
Member Resources during COVID

The team at Meetings and Conventions PEI is here to work with our partners and our members, as we look to recover and rebound our industry. 

Organized Gatherings

Re-introduce larger organized gatherings (e.g. worship services, meetings, organized sports and recreation, day camps, events including weddings, funerals, burials, and graduations) of no more than 50 people indoor or outdoor.

  • An operational plan that is made available on inspection
  • Physical distancing of 2 meters maintained with individuals who are not part of one’s household
  • Limited sharing of equipment among individuals from different households and precautions taken
  • For personal gatherings (e.g. large families having visitors or playing frisbee in the park), limits remain the same of 15 people indoors and 20 people outdoors from different households, while maintaining a two-metre separation.
  • For facilities (indoor or outdoor) with separate rooms or large spaces that can accommodate more than one gathering at a time, multiple gatherings up to a maximum of 100 people may be held, provided:
    • groups are kept separate
    • the multiple gatherings guidance is followed.
    • operational plans are completed and approved for multiple gatherings involving 50 or more people.

More about Gatherings on PEI – Gatherings Guidance – Phase 4

Multiple Gatherings Guidance

Required Measures

Core measures required by all businesses, services, and organizations:

  • Develop an operational plan detailing methods to mitigate transmission of disease.
  • Take every reasonable step to ensure physical distancing (including employees and/or clients) of two metres (six feet) between each other.
  • Take every reasonable step required to prevent employees who are required to self-isolate from entering workplaces.
  • Develop and follow an exclusion policy that ensures symptomatic employees are immediately excluded from work activities.
  • Ensure enhanced cleaning and disinfection of shared areas and surfaces.
  • Ensure hand washing stations or hand sanitizing products are available and accessible to all employees.


Food Premises Guidance

For More Information Contact: | 1.855.368.3688